
All The News That's Fit to Mock

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Teeny tiny ten

1. This week, investors eye oil prices, spending data
Last week, that new secretary.
2. Rice in longshot bid for Mideast peace progress
Making hapless spectator's halftime midcourt shot for a car look like a Lebron James dunk.
3. Man, pregnant girlfriend charged in Md. standoff
Barely avoiding the classic Mexican stand-off.
4. In Kenya slum, sun and sewage equals progress
When progress measured in stink units.
5. Aborigine wants boomerang to return from Britain
Maybe shouldn't have thrown it so far.
6. Obama attends church, barbecue in Wisconsin
Beer available at both.
7. Bernanke says inflation outlook "uncertain"
Proving once and for all his controversial use of Magic Eight Ball.
8. Scientists nail childhood nerve cancer gene
Share raucous high five, later beer.
9. Victims of Britain's tainted blood scandal speak
Employ Soft Cell to write theme.
10. Exercise and limited TV time may keep kids trim
Defying all previous understanding.


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Mighty Tom weighs in with...

#7 hit me especially well at the time

overall pretty good and consistent

beer on the brain?

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

not among your best, or maybe I'm a bit sleepy


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