
All The News That's Fit to Mock

Monday, September 27, 2004

7 AM

'Star Wars, Episode III' rating in the dark
Star Wars nerds everywhere praying fervently for X.

Stocks Slip on Oil, Dow Falls Below 10,000
OSHA plans crack down on Wall Street accidents.

Bush, Kerry Pause to Trade Barbs on Iraq
Bush makes the tough decision to trade his mother.

DA Won't Prosecute Bishop Accused of Rape
Afraid bishop might work his magic with god.

Officials Aim for Terror-Free Elections
In Florida.

'Miraculous' Christ Washes Up in Texas Rio Grande
Despite being made of fiberglass and stamped 'Made in China', it has become an object of worship.

Life is a Gas: Methane Might Support Underground ET
Flatulent, pasty alien unlikely to reproduce.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

Not a great batch--did like the last one. Didn't understand the first one. Mixdorf's been goin AFTER the Catholics in his last couple of batches! What's up with that?

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Pat weighs in with...

First one was a story about the third Star Wars getting a PG13 rather than the usual PG. I thought it would be funny if Star Wars nerds were looking for naked Amidala and hard-core porn.

People that find religious significance in fiberglass Jesus statues deserve ridicule. As does anyone who sees the face of the Virgin Mary in mold, the pattern of a pet's fur, etc. More often than not these are wacko Catholics.

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

Got it now on the first one--I was thinking of 'rating' in terms of "1 to 5 stars"

On the Catholics--I agree that the whole phenomenon is absurd, but has there been an upswing in recent times? Your headlines would lead one to believe that there had been.

I'll take a gool ol' hard-core Catholic over a nutty Evangelical Protestant ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Pat weighs in with...

There have been a number of news stories related to religious icons lately.

I too am far more frightened of wacko Evangelicals than wacko Catholics, at least in this day and age. Wacko Evangelicals have taken the mantle of intolerance from the Spanish Inquisition and are marching boldly forward, leaving wreckage in their wake.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

Perhaps such comments are best left for "Social Conscience." We're all about Headlines and Good Times.


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