
All The News That's Fit to Mock

Thursday, September 09, 2004


1. Al-Sadr Looks for Role After Najaf Losses
Tries out for hot-tempered computer techie Samir in stage production of "Office Space"

2. Women Make Inroads in Video Game Industry
Suffregettes range from Donkey Kong's Princess to the hookers in Grand Theft Auto

3. U.S. Unveils Plans to Fix Intelligence
Powerpoint presentation features leaping arcs of electricity, neck bolts

4. Scientists Pick Up Pieces of Space Capsule
Skinny girl-arms allow these nerdy guys to only heft tiny little pieces.

5. Md. Geologist Completes Sinkhole Study
Following discovery of electro suit, armored vehicle, and ferocious battles vs. eight "bosses"

6. Plants - the Silent Witnesses to Crime
The silent, uncomprehending, non-sentient witnesses to crime

7. Maine Slated to Get Advanced Microscope
Plans to use it to look for dent it has made in course of American history

8. Two Neptune-Mass Planets Found, Earth-Size Worlds Next
According to probe launched from Pluto.


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Mighty Tom weighs in with...

Number six was well received.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Pat weighs in with...

Very solid batch indeed.

The people in Maine will be up in arms, but we all know they should still be part of MA anyway.

Had similar thoughts about the women in video games headline - something about the unequalled physical dimensions of Lara Croft.

Always good to have a Blaster Master reference.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

Thanks, both of you! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!!!


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