Stopping on a Dime
1. The Fine Art of Foam
"Foam expert" from 2004 shuttle investigation won't shut up
2. Grand Ave. building freeze on hold
Which means that they once again underway
3. Cincinnati to seek eligibility for C Allen
Huggins crafts letter to Ohio Board of Corrections
4. First Lady Tackles Poverty, Race Issues
On a very special episode of Everybody Loves Raymond
5. Senate Votes to Ban Japan Beef Imports
And have them re-routed to...Burundi? Hey, stop that robed man! (receding steps, sound of a slammed door)
6. Yushchenko gropes for way out of crisis after latest blow
Unfortunately, the crisis is a sexual harassment suit.
7. Basra Governor Wants Apology From Britain
Whines that "there is no 'r' at the end of 'Basra.'"
8. Cities' new job 1: disaster plans
Thank God the war on terrorism is over
9. Yemen Immigrant Guilty of Funneling Funds
Department of Immigration produces schematic of his piggy bank for evidence
10. Officers Screened to Be England Jurors
Do they agree to wear powdered wigs and do they know what "pokies" are?
A slow start, but got it's stride in Burundi.
#6 was ripe for the pickin' and pretty well played.
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