
All The News That's Fit to Mock

Thursday, April 10, 2008


1.Retailers post sluggish sales in March
Poorly paid retail staff just not feeling it.
FBI spent years looking for threat maker
Mentos commercials kept throwing them off track.
3. Mexican Congress occupied
Regret decision to include only one bathroom in building plans.
4. High school seniors get 'F' in finance
But leave out second N.
5. New Bra Makes Backless a Reality for the Busty
With that much front, who cares about the back!
6. Cheney, others OK'd harsh interrogations
OK, pretty much just Cheney.
7. Scientists predict more floods, droughts
Previous predictions of ends of both seen as wildly optimistic.
8. First Korean astronaut docks with space station
Unexpectedly. Last seen floating outside with faced pressed to glass.
9. Venezuela, India sign joint venture in oil-gas-rich Orinoco
Hoping to cash in on the Orinoco Flow.
10. Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men
The Sitcom's one remaining mystery.


At 9:10 AM, Blogger Mighty Tom weighs in with...

4, 8, 9

and 10

ones that stood out for me

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Pat weighs in with...

Thanks, crank.


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