
All The News That's Fit to Mock

Friday, August 19, 2005

Waste Ten time.

1. U.S. Retains Controversial Trucker Rule
Faster sports-type car to always run interference when moonshining.
2. Hip-Hop Researcher Called in Rap Case
After years of toiling in obscurity, not ready for spotlight.
3. Shooting Suspects to Return to Tenn.
Trials are expensive, bullets are cheap.
4. 3 Hurt in Another Guatemalan Prison Riot
Not ANOTHER Guatemalan prison riot!
5. Boston to Gauge Stones' Decibel Level
With their hearing aids turned down things can get out of hand.
6. Serious IE Flaw Found
In the most comprehensive case of 'if you can't beat them, join them' in history, Microsoft declares itself a virus.
7. Bush Plans Sept. 11 Reminders
Plans to remind Americans how afraid they should be.
8. Black Boxes May Solve Crash Mysteries
May just hold pilot's lunch.
9. Reagan Files Paint Court Nominee as a Watchdog
Work from the Hyper-realist school shows Roberts curled up on rug next to the Oval Office door.
10. Democrats struggle to find chinks in Roberts's armor
Should be looking for undocumented Mexicans in his personal staff.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

Not as solid as last one. Renaissance long over.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Pat weighs in with...

Good thing the Italian Renaissance wasn't as short, although the analogy follows that if Michaelangelo got a bad batch of marble, things might not have been the same.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Dan weighs in with...

I'll grant you that. I actually embarked on a failed attempt today. After coming out of World News, US News, Health, and Science with a grand total of one, I decided to punt.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Pat weighs in with...

As did I, though I think I managed 3.


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