T-Clogged What?
Vikings notes: Bengal gives Smoot incentive to play well
Bengals offer Smoot a name change and a guarantee that a tiger won't eat his liver.
Rochester's volunteers stuck on sidelines during Katrina rescues
Katrina, at 380 lbs, fell on a male cheerleader'e head when the attempt to hold her up over his head failed. The football game was called because he suffocated inside her butt.
Bengals offer Smoot a name change and a guarantee that a tiger won't eat his liver.
Rochester's volunteers stuck on sidelines during Katrina rescues
Katrina, at 380 lbs, fell on a male cheerleader'e head when the attempt to hold her up over his head failed. The football game was called because he suffocated inside her butt.
I know. Some are too long. But they are freakin funny!
First rule of Headlines:
Don't rate your own headlines before we do.
Second rule of Headlines:
Don't rate your own headlines before we do.
Don't assume that potty references are golden in this arena.
rule #3: we aim for more than just two at a time
rule #4: except in extreme circumstances, let's keep it to a single sentence, shall we boys? Less is more, as they say...
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