
All The News That's Fit to Mock

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mas y mas

1.Hasselhoff's Wife Claims Domestic Violence
His latest album on repeat in cd player.
2.Nancy Sinatra Sees Dad Sing in Musical
Just got On the Town from Netflix.
3.Fastow: Lay Knew of Wobbly Enron Finances
Lay: I learned accounting from Weebles.
4. House Votes to Make Clinton Home Landmark
Just wants to be better taken care of.
5. Brewers Trying To Adapt To Changing Market Tastes
Launch Zima/Extreme for growing gay snowboarder market.
6. Deadpan 'Duck Season' a delight
Watching Daffy's bill spin around no end of joy.
7. Many parents don't admit their child is overweight
Or a total dick.
8. Study Warns Women About Spring Break
Gone Wild Syndrome or GWS has been discovered at nearly every popular vacation hotspot.
9. Rick Steves: Through the Back Door
No thanks buddy.
10. FEATURED VIDEO: Meet Richard Bangs
Tonight on Spice Channel.